
Yellow is the color that catches the most attention. It is the most luminous of all the colors and even though it represents happiness and creativity, it also is used to represent danger and caution.

To further the meaning of yellow in terms of darks and lights, the dark side of yellow holds true to its name. Darker yellows typically mean "cowardice, betrayal and madness". On top of this, it is also a color of "caution and physical illness." Perhaps this is why where yellow pigments come from are typically toxic metals (as well as urine).

Some cool global meanings of the color yellow: (quoted from

~ In almost every culture yellow represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth

~ In Japan, yellow often represents courage

~ Bright “marigold” yellow may be associated with death in some areas of Mexico

If you mix blue with yellow, you get the color green. But, you can also mix it with red to create the color orange. It is considered a primary color and can be mixed with other primaries to create secondaries and so on...

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